Ground and Shield with a Song – Phase 1

Guess what you are a pro at Phase 2 of meditating! Great job. You didn’t even know you were learning phase 2, but you were!

Now I am going to go backwards and teach you a great Phase 1.

You have learned about grounding and shielding the last week.  Grounding and Shielding is such an easy and important thing to do each day, but it is hard for some people to incorporate into their routine.

I start my daily meditating time by tuning in with a kundalini “tune in song” I tied that song into grounding and shielding so it was easy to do each morning.

I was inspired to come up with a simple way for you to practice this every day!!

I found a song that many of you probably know and is easy to learn.  Now I use this song to ground and shield each morning.

In order to really understand this and use this tool you will have needed to read and listen to rainbow shield and grounding post/video/mediation.

The song is I am a Child of God
I have the lyrics and then in parenthesis what I imagine doing during that lyric.

I am a child of God, (connecting spirit and mind)
And he has sent me here, (connecting spirit and body)
Has given me an earthly home (connecting to the earth)
With parents kind and dear. (connecting to heaven)
Lead me, (green shield around heart)
guide me, (red layer)
walk beside me, (orange layer)
Help me find the way. (blue layer)
Teach me all that I must do (tie apron on and pockets automatically fill)
To live with him someday. (white layer lights up!)

Watch this video to see what I mean!

Sing the song as you imagine/think through the steps.

Watch the videos
Sing “I am a Child of God” and imagine the steps of grounding and shielding as you sing!
Then set your timer and
Using your finger movements
Breathe in Peace & Calm
Pause (2,3,4)
Breathe out and Smile
Pause (2,3,4)
Repeat until your timer dings!