
Some people are afraid of the word Mantra.  I remember I wrote it on the board in a church lesson once and someone gasped.  I had to chuckle a bit.  We all have mantras, whether we are aware of it or not.

Here is a good definition of a mantra. “A statement or slogan repeated frequently”.  The awareness of the mantras you already have can bring wonderful change.

Think of the things you repeat frequently throughout your day.

I used to always say, “I don’t have time for this.” as I was angrily sweeping up dirt my boys had tracked in.  Or as I was rushing to make lunches in the morning.  Or as I was _____________________.

“I don’t have time for this.”  was a mantra.  It did not serve me or my family at all.

As I became aware of the power of my words, I started to notice whenever I said, “I don’t have time for this.”   Awareness of this old “mantra” allowed me to stop and chose to say a different “mantra”

“I have plenty of time to do the things that are important to me.”

What do you say over and over throughout your day?  Does it serve you?  Does it bring you what you want in your life?

If not, chose different words, create a positive mantra.

The dirt on the floor I used to angrily sweep… now I say to myself “I am grateful for healthy boys.” And I try to sweep with gratitude and certainly awareness.

Have you recognized a mantra that you have been learning for the last few weeks?  Breathe in Peace and Calm, Breathe Out and Smile.  ?


Sing “I am a Child of God” and imagine the steps of grounding and shielding as you sing!

Set your timer and

Using your finger movements

Breathe in Peace & Calm

Pause (2,3,4)

Breathe out and Smile

Pause (2,3,4)

Repeat until your timer dings!

Notice throughout today, what mantras do you have running through your head?  What are the statements you hear over and over again?  Are they positive?  If not, can you find a positive replacement?  Write it down and post it where you will see it every day.