Step 1 – Meditate in 8 Seconds

This is how I started meditating.  I thought meditating was sitting for a long time being still and silent.  I was pretty sure I couldn’t do that, at least not without a lot of practice.  And how could practice if I couldn’t do it?

I was led to a book about meditating in 10 seconds.   10 Zen Seconds.

It was about breathing in for 5 seconds and out for 5 seconds and having a phrase you repeated in your mind as you breathed in and then out.

For instance,

  • as you breathe in for about 5 seconds while thinking “I am”
  • then as you breath out for about 5 seconds think, “Completely stopping.”
  • There you go.  You just did a 10 second meditation!

This took so much stress out of the meditation thing.  I had time to do 10 seconds.  It wasn’t hard, I couldn’t mess it up.  Even if I breathed in for 3 seconds and out for 4, it was OK!!

I am going to make it even easier for you.  Can you commit to 8 seconds of meditation a day?  If you say yes, by the end of the 40 days you will seamlessly have a daily meditation practice of 3-5 minutes.  (OR longer if you want!)


Breathe in while thinking “I am”

Breathe Out while thinking “Completely Stopping” 

If you have time, do this a few times in a row. 

If you just do it once and that is GREAT!  8 seconds counts!