Short Meditations Count and Help Build Habits

There are so many ways to meditate and all are good. The key is to do it consistently. That builds up your strength and power. Therefore, I have been giving you short challenges so far. In doing these 10 – 45 second practices you have consistently been meditating daily for 9 days! Great job!!!

The way I became successful at reading the scriptures every day was committing to reading 1 verse a day. Even if I was super tired at night I could read a verse. When I am travelling, and things are crazy, I can still read a verse. Usually I read a lot more than 1 verse. But because of that daily habit of 1 verse I am successful.

Hopefully you have seen that you can easily meditate every day! We are going to start adding a little more time and other tools in, however know that if you can’t do a whole exercise, just do an 8 second practice and count it as a win for the day!


Keep noticing the pauses!

Let’s use the phrase we have been practicing with.

Breathe in Peace & Calm

Pause (2,3,4)

Breathe out and Smile

Pause (2,3,4)

Repeat 2-5 times.

Pause and Notice what your body is saying.