Update on Waldorf School after 2 Weeks

This is a continuation of our journey to Journey.  It is a post I originally wrote 4 years ago.

T2 still really likes it.

I love the homework load.  I feel like it is a good review of what they are learning and a reasonable amount.  We had open house and I got to learn more about the curriculum they are covering. It just reinforced my feeling that it is a great fit for T2.

I was a little worried because last Thurs and Fri when I picked him up, he was all smiles, but as soon as he got in the car he was GRUMPY and so mean to T3. So my friend watched T3 yesterday when I went to pick up T2 and he was fine.  He ate a snack and was pretty quiet and then about 10 min into the drive he started talking about his day and sharing all he had learned and we had a neat discussion about spirituality and how different cultures have different beliefs, but how they share a common theme.

I have 3 afternoons a week when I am lucky enough to have friends who will watch T3 so I can pick up T2 by myself.  It is nice to have a little time alone with him and it is hard for T3 to also make the drive 3 times in a day.

T3 mostly likes Kindergarten

It is a huge shift for him.  He only went to 2 day a week preschool last year, so 5 days is a lot.  It is also 4 hours a day. They also cook healthy snacks together and frankly he doesn’t like a lot of healthy foods yet.  But this is a great experience of learning to eat what you are offered or be hungry.

He is very sad his friend J. isn’t there.

His first day there was their nature day (Every Monday is Nature Day) so he was outside for the whole time.  He said it was a lot of walking and wasn’t too excited about going back the next day.  But I assured him it was an inside day.  He did have a good day and started making friends.

As he said, “The girls are starting to like me now. One held my hand and one gave me a hug.”  It is really all about girls liking him for Thing3.  Good thing he is so cute.  The girls are still liking him, so he is still liking school.

I really like it too

There is a lot of parent education going on these first few weeks.  So I have gone to a lot of meetings, which have been interesting and inspiring.  It is reassuring me that it is a good fit for my family.

I love that there are a lot of nursing little ones at the meeting!  I have seen at least 5 babies/toddlers being nursed in the last few weeks.

I love that I feel more “normal” here.  I have never really fit in in the “larger world” (as I heard it put in one meeting) and how Waldorf has a very distinctive culture.  I don’t completely fit in with it, but it is more aligned with how I want to be.  Eating healthier, less media, etc.  With the social support it can help me become more of how I want to be!