From the moment I became pregnant with my challenging child, everything was hard.
- The pregnancy (I was on bedrest)
- The birth (he was born 6 weeks early, and has been on his own schedule since)
- His emotions ran high and came out of nowhere (and I felt constantly overwhelmed and on guard)
I didn’t know how to help him,
and he stumped all the experts.
I thought I was the wrong mom for him altogether,
and I blamed myself.
Then, I had the opportunity to receive energy work specifically for our relationship. That’s when everything shifted.
Now, he didn’t become an angel overnight (and boy, do I have some *crazy* stories)
- Our relationship became manageable.
- Parenting him didn’t feel like a punishment.
- And I realized I *could* do this, after all.
Soon, I started helping other parents with their challenging children, and the results were nothing short of miraculous.
My son has struggled his whole life (5.5 years) with behavioral/anger issues. As a family, we tended to see him as a saboteur to everything and treated him that way. I sensed that there was so much more to him and that he was actually very sensitive and loving. It seemed, though, that there were precious few who ever saw that side of him.
It was exhausting to deal with him every day and our family was suffering.
I talked with Sheridan about him and we were both sure that he had birth issues that needed to be cleared.
Boy did he!
After Sheridan’s session with him the change was obvious and immediate.
He was playing with cousins at the time and came in the house crying after getting his feelings hurt. He wanted me to just hold him for the next hour!
His normal response would have been rage and an inability to express why he was upset which would have carried on to a grudge for hours.
Over a month later I am still in awe of the change that has come over him. He spontaneously asks for hugs and is talking about his feelings.
He has set goals for himself to control his anger, which is still a part, though now minor, of his personality.
I am so thankful to Sheridan for helping my sweet boy come to life and changing the environment in my whole family.
What a miracle!
Patti from South Dakota
After 15 years of doing this work, and dozens of transformed families,
I know I can help you experience this transformation, too.
Simply book a call,
and let’s chat about what your
new relationship with your challenging child (or children)
could look like with my help.
I have been working with Sheridan for some time now. Taking her classes and working 1 on 1 with her.
It has really helped me be successful at goals I have been hoping to achieve but failed at for many years.
One example of a goal for me was to not yell at I. & A. (my challenging child) which has been difficult for me in the past.
After taking this class and learning strategies from Sheridan; I can say I am very successful at not yelling!
I am not perfect, but it has changed me and our home.
I won’t share details, but yesterday I had a swell of emotion threaten to take over me at an appointment for one of my kids when I learned something about their health that I hadn’t known.
I was worried I was going to start ugly crying as I was pacing up and down the hallway outside the office when suddenly, I just naturally started doing some PQ reps.
And shockingly quickly I found myself in a much calmer state. I found myself revisiting a variation of the mantra “I have the bravery and grit to help this child face whatever is going on.”
It was really a miraculous change that happened so much faster than I would have anticipated.
I have found great power when combining PQ reps with whatever mantra or affirmation fits the moment.
Thanks Sheridan!
I’d love to talk with you and see how I can help.
You can also connect with me on
and my Podcast