Sleep Frequencies

I did an experiment in September sending out specific sleep frequencies each evening to 5 different people.

I was curious to see how it helped.

4 out of 5 of us had trackable, noticeable positive results!

Here are some screenshots!

Really – pretty good with sleep frequencies! 😉

These next screenshots are mine.

I was really nervous about my sleep, because I broke my foot the end of August and my foot hurts while sleeping (and still does) so I wasn’t sure my sleep could improve! But it DID!!!

I have had a goal to get 7 hours of sleep a night for well over a year and some nights I do, but have never met that as my average! Until now!!


Here is another person’s experience.

The other 2 people – no screen shots, but this is what happened for them!

The 4th person went from completely irregular sleep schedules and unable to get up in the morning. Now is going to bed at a consistent time (by 10 PM) and waking up on there own and out of bed between 6-7AM and feel energetic!

The 5th person, I was sending frequencies to help with mild sleep apnea – and that isn’t easy to track as they are not being monitored or have any other interventions for it. They didn’t notice any changes positive or negative with their sleep in September. But are willing to let me do another month. So this month I am sending sleep apnea + good sleep frequencies, so we will see if he notices a difference this month and if there are any changes in his tracking!

I want a bigger sample group for October!

I am definitely doing it again, because 4 people had a positive response and because I want it for myself!!

But I want a bigger group this time! I want at least 10 more people to join in the experiment!

Do you want to try it???

It is $33 to be a part of October’s Sleep Frequency Group.

Here is where you can sign up.

Curious about what Frequencies are?

Here are 2 videos that can help explain

Let me know if you have any questions!