6 Secrets for Better Sleep

I have struggled with sleep at different times of my life.

There were of course the years of newborns and young children.  I don’t know of any secrets for better sleep then. Well, except maybe to divide and conquer.   But It is just hard!  But usually I was so exhausted when I could sleep I easily did.

Then I had teenagers and early morning seminary and school for them.  At one point that meant getting up at 5:30 AM, the problem was they were teenagers and would keep me up late!  Divide and conquering did work for us, in that my husband is a night owl, so he would stay up late to help them or make sure they got home safe and I took morning shift.  But again, I was so tired I would pass out easily and sleep until the alarm went off.

At some point that changed, I know now it was perimenopause.  Looking back that is very clear.

Now my sleep problems were different.  I still had teenagers, so that was an issue.  But I would sometimes struggle to fall asleep even though I was tired or more often it was that I would wake up at 3 AM and not be able to fall back asleep.  UGHHH.  Sometimes I would do some tricks, and be able to fall back asleep after and hour or so.  But then my alarm would go off not too much later. 

Here are some of the secrets that helped me sleep better.

  1. Meditations with sleep headphones
  2. Get out of bed instead of just laying there – do my MPoWeRs even at 2 AM, it would help me get back into a sleep zone once I was done.
  3. Good sleep habits – regular bedtime and wake up time, dark and cool room. 
  4. Sleep in your own room – often it was my husband waking me up with his “loud breathing” 
  5. Get your hormones checked!!!  This was a game changer.  The other things helped me to survive, but didn’t really change my ability to fall back asleep.  My progesterone levels were super low (as well as estrogen and testosterone)  With the progesterone supplements I noticed a big difference in my sleeping.

I was still struggling to get the 7 hour recommended sleep.  I was thinking it was because I still had a teenager and getting up in the AM.  BUT over the summer when he didn’t have school and once he moved out, I still was getting less than that.

  • This is when I tried using sleep frequencies to help me get better sleep.  For the first time, probably since having babies – 26 years – I am consistently getting over 7 hours of sleep.  I do this using an AO scanner, which sends out energetic frequencies to me and a number of my clients and we are seeing results!!

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