Love Yourself More

21 days to loving yourself more!

You can follow along for free on Instagram @powerupyourprayer


my MPoWeR group on Facebook.

I will share a story every day to support you in healing limiting beliefs and clearing emotions preventing you from loving yourself more.

Online Class

I also have a paid version for $44 which you can access here. (link coming soon)

This will include a simple 3 minute practice on how I combine 5 healing tools together to help clear emotions and beliefs, that hinder our self-love.

Also a Group Healing Session, which you can attend live on Zoom, or access the recording if you can’t make it live.

Also I will share 3 visualizations, 1 for each week, that will help you as you progress.


Links coming soon.

For February I am offering some packages if you feel you may need extra support in this area.

Access to Online Class AND Daily Energy Work done by me for 21 Days.

All of the above + AO Scan and personalize frequencies sent daily.

All of the above + 3 one on one sessions with me.