Trainings and Experience

I love to take trainings – as you can see!

Once I train in something, I dive deep in living and applying what I have learned.

Then if it is relevant I use and share the tools in my sessions with you!

2006 – 2023

Trained and Certified Hypnobabies Childbirth EducatorJun-06
Introduced to Energy WorkAug-06
Emotion Code2009
Essential Oils2010
Started Co-Author Gift of Giving LifeSep-10
Body CodeDec-10
PAM – amazing mentor and healerJun-11
Meditation Training – with FeliceOct-12
Eternal Warriors – tookJun-13
Theta HealingOct-13
Created My Own SystemDec-13
Trained as Eternal Warrior MentorFeb-14
Aura PersonalitiesApr-14
Healers Blueprint Training – Tam PendletonSep-14
Reiki 11/1/2014
Energetic ConnectionJan-15
Trained as Hardwired for Happy MentorMar-15
Foot ZoningMay-15
Healing Hands – Allie DuzettAug-15
Chakra TrainingAug-15
Advanced Healers Blueprint – Tam PendletonOct-15
Anahata CodesNov-15
Intention Training – KatieMar-16
Kimberly WattsApr-16
Investigating Health – Courtney BeardallSep-16
Breakthrough Project (Advanced Weight Loss Training)Jan-17
Fascinating Womanhood – Allie DuzettJan-17
Soul Code Training Jan-17
Created My Own System – Enjoy Life with Energy WorkMar-17
Investigating Brain – Courtney BeardallNov-17
Soul Code Advanced TrainingJan-18
Deep Past Trauma – Allie DuzettNov-18
Positive Intelligence Coach Training – Shirzad ChamineSpring 2022
Optimize Coach Training – Brian JohnsonJan – Dec 2022
Intuition Accelerator Graduate – Allie Duzett2023


I have helped 100’s of women and their children over the last 15 years.

Through Classes, One-On-One Phone and Email Sessions and also Remote work.

You can read testimonials here.