Affirmations to Help This Holiday to be The Best Yet!

I know the power of affirmations, indeed today I was planning on just reposting my awesome snow affirmation podcast, but then realized I needed to share some holiday affirmations to go along with it. So I am going to start with the holiday affirmations I have gathered and then will repost my snow affirmation podcast to demonstrate how powerful affirmations can be.

If you feel you need some more specific ones in certain areas, go google it and copy and paste your favorites. 

Holiday Boundaries

When I stay Flexible, Calm and Present, it is easier to feel joy.

I give myself permission to set boundaries that bring me peace

When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I give myself permission to step away and breathe

I do not control and am not responsible for the actions of others

I make time for myself every day

I say “no” when I mean no and “yes” when an event or task brings me joy

I exhale stress and inhale love and peace.

Simplicity and Gifts

I am happy with simplicity 
I spend and save money based on what brings me joy
I give myself permission to accept and honor where I am in my financial state right now

I am grateful for the abundance of the season

Love is the best gift I can give.

The Season

I find the simple joys in Christmas times.

This Christmas season envelopes me with its glory.

I spread the light of Christmas everywhere I go.

This Christmas will be about abundance and happiness.

My home is filled with joy, peace, and warmth this season.

All around me are signs of hope and beauty in the world.


I treat my body, mind, and spirit with love and compassion.

I feed myself with love.

I give myself permission to eat at my own pace.

I honor my body by trusting the signals that it sends me.

Everything I eat today nourishes my mind, body, and spirit.

I allow myself to eat a few treats and throw away the rest.

Download a copy here