Find Your Word Recap Page

Here are recordings of the 5-day Find Your Word challenge videos from 2018!

I highly suggest you join the MPoWeR Facebook Page to see videos from this years challenge!!! It is well worth it with the extra support you will get as well as updated videos with more information and support. 🙂

Hope to see you there!

A PDF of all the steps from the emails is at the bottom of the page. Ideally you use the PDF and videos together. 🙂

Day 1

Day 1 Challenge – Circle Your Word

Day 2

Day 2 Challenge – Narrowing Words Down

Day 3

Day 3 Challenge – Preview Year and Pick Word

Scribbling Exercise

Day 4

Day 4 Challenge – Embrace Your Word

Day 5

Day 5 Challenge – Create an Affirmation

PDF of all the Days Challenges!

Features of Essentials to Enjoy Life

I love to teach women Essential Tools to help them shift from feeling overwhelmed and out of control to more peace and calm. Here are some of the benefits of Essentials to Enjoy Life. Please click through to learn more!

  • You will start by laying the foundation with MPoWeR actions.
  • Learn how to recognize and deal with the Vibrations of feelings and thoughts. It is easier for you to raise your vibration than you think. I will teach you some easy tools.
  • Those times you lose control and yell or get so frustrated you want to run away? You are Spinning! I will help you learn to recognize when that is happening and some great tools to stop.
  • You will learn the amazing power of Neutrality and how that can help with even the most challenging of situations.
  • You will finish this course by learning how to harness the power of your teams!

I can’t wait for you to learn and implement these easy tools and see the power they give you to create the life you want!

Class Starting in January 2020