How can the Supply Chain Problems Help you be more Present? – Episode 3:2

This holiday season of 2021 with supply chain issues going on, it is a great year to really focus on presence instead of presents.

Maybe instead of buying a gift for someone, you buy an experience.

Ski passes for the family.

A waffle maker with a years supply of pumpkin waffle mix from Trader Joes for a fun Sunday tradition.

If you do want to buy more traditional gifts, shopp early, so the stress of getting any presents, doesn’t hang over being present as you get closer to Christmas. 

I think that a lot of the holiday activities are really just a distraction from the real meaning of Christmas.  You can tell I am in the thick of the presents aspect of holiday activities.

Most presents we tend to give are possessions. 

That isn’t the present that we are celebrating.

Every year I want to simplify Christmas.  It is too easy to be caught up in the busyness of it all.

I was trying to get our Christmas Cards done on the computer and yelled at T3.  He ended up crying in his room.  I felt bad.  I realized, this isn’t the meaning of Christmas.  To hyper-focus and make Christmas Cards.

Loving my family is.

Because that is the real meaning of Christmas to me.  LOVE!

For God so loved the world He sent his only begotten son, that whosoever should belief in him should have eternal life. John 3:16

I asked T3 to forgive me and he did.

Then he helped me craft our letter that will go out with the cards.  Together, sharing memories of the year.  Feeling the love.

This holiday season, let’s celebrate the present that God shared with us. 

Our Savior – Jesus Christ and His glorious love.