40 Day Recharge Challenge

Choose 3 things from this list!

  • Drink 3 liters of water a day
  • Taking a bath
  • Exercise 3-45 minutes a day
  • Go outside for 5 minutes each day
  • Take a power nap every day
  • Stretch every morning
  • Read 10 minutes a day
  • Go to bed in a certain time window.
  • Eat 1 veggie serving a day
  • Text or call a friend every day.
  • Meditate 1-3 minutes a day
  • Put Lotion on while telling your body you love it
  • Affirmations!
  • Listen to Uplifting Music
  • Maybe instead of ACTIVITY – doing something – you need limits on not doing!
  • Be kind to yourself
  • Make a DID list each night of what you did! 
  • Limit time on your phone- set up limits for games, social media, news
  • Eat only 1 sweet thing a day – chocolate safe??

Do them for 40 days.

Feel renewed, recharged, rejuvenated and repaired!

Here are some ideas for tracking!

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