Adding Pictures

This is what I like to do – Meditate/Pray and then look at my Vision Board. See and feel gratitude for what it is I want to create. By being in a meditative state I feel like the creative power is just raring to go and grow! I take 30 seconds to a minute to look at these images and just feel them in my heart.

Vision boards are an easy way to have pictures of what you want. Some people have printed physical boards. They find pictures from magazines or off the internet. Some people have vision boards on their phones. There are so many ways to do them. I am hoping to have a short class on Vision Boards soon.

Draw or print off a picture of a goal you are working towards. Put it at your meditation spot and look at the picture with gratitude after meditating.
Phase 1: Sing “I am a Child of God” and imagine the steps of grounding and shielding as you sing!
Phase 2: Set your timer
Using your finger movements – with a NEW MANTRA
Sing or Chant: “Peace, Be Still” a few times
Whisper “Peace, Be Still” a few times
Silently think Peace (breathing in for about 4 beats)
Pause (2,3,4)
Be (2 beats) Still (2 beats)
Pause (2,3,4)
Whisper “Peace, Be Still” a few times
Sing or Chant: “Peace, Be Still” a few times
(Just have fun playing with these different ways you can include sound in your meditations)
Phase 3: Now pause and be “silent”
Letting your thoughts float by.