Your mind and body need to communicate with each other. Our mind needs to respect what our body is saying. Our body needs to hear and respect our mind.
Our mind and body need to hear and respect our spirit.
When you are in a relaxed and restorative state, it is easier to “hear” and for those parts to “be heard” by each other.
Being aware of all three and all three being aware of each other is the key. Creating that space to listen is the beauty of meditation.
I feel like taking the time to ground and shield before meditating (phase 1) helps put you in a safe space which allows even more relaxation and restoration. This also helps put you in a state for your body, mind and spirit to be aware of each other.
Sing “I am a Child of God” and imagine the steps of grounding and shielding as you sing!
Then set your timer and
Using your finger movements
Breathe in Peace & Calm
Pause (2,3,4)
Breathe out and Smile
Pause (2,3,4)
Repeat until your timer dings!