I have done Self Hypnosis by listening to CDs since I was a teenager. Ok, they were cassette tapes back then. This was a form of guided meditations. It was a great way to quiet my mind and fall asleep – with an intent to do work on something specific, like stop biting my nails.
Guided Meditations are like having a personal meditation coach walking you through a meditation. It can be helpful for those whose minds are always on the go to have someone talking to them and guiding them into a meditative state.
I mentioned in the Insight Timer App there are guided meditations.
I still want you to practice meditating on your own with our short meditations.
Practice a short meditation on your own.
Set your timer for at least 1 minute.
Using your finger movements
Breathe in Peace & Calm
Pause (2,3,4)
Breathe out and Smile
Pause (2,3,4)
Repeat until your timer dings!
Then try using a guided meditation on the Insight Timer App