Light of Dawn

The Fall of 2013 I had the chance to train with Tana for Light of Dawn Energy Healing, it is a Christian based Theta Healing Course.

I was ready to add more tools to my repertoire and this was a great choice.  I loved the practice that we did and the things I learned.  It helped me really develop my intuitive skills and not need to rely so heavily on muscle testing.  Now I do a nice combination of both.

One really great thing this added was the understanding that we could ask for the brain to heal!  Tana has a child with brain damage.  Since my oldest also has some brain damage from birth I was so excited to start doing work on his brain!  🙂

I since have read some great books that support this idea and have given me tools and other insights to share with parents with children with brain damage.

The Woman Who Changed Her Brain


This information has helped me work in a very specific way with children struggling with Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD and other brain related issues.