Mixing it up with a New Mantra (Phase 2 with a Twist)

You should have the mantra “Breathing in peace and calm, breathe out and smile.” Firmly implanted into your mind, body and spirit.  You have been practicing it for well over 21 days now.  I want to show you how you can mix it up with different mantras!

I think that using the breathing and the finger touches is a very useful tool, that maybe shouldn’t be changed.  Also taking time to ground and shield as you begin your meditation, is very useful and a good part of a daily routine.  However you can make it snazzy and new with using different mantras!

Here are some of my favorites.

“Be Still and Know That I am God.”

“Be Still and Know”

“Peace, Be Still.”

“I am Completely Stopping.”

“I have plenty of time to do the things that are important to me.”

“Healthy and Strong Boys”

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Some don’t fit seamlessly into the 4 finger touches.  But that is OK!  Be flexible!  Or have multiple words on 1 finger touch.  I will demonstrate in this short video. (You may need to click through to the blog to see the video)

Find your own mantras!  Make sure they are positive and something you want to cement into your mind, body and spirit.

For instance, “I don’t get sick.”  Is actually negative, because your mind doesn’t hear the “don’t”, it hears “get sick”  So a better mantra is, “My body is healthy and strong.”  Or “My body easily heals” (if you feel like you are getting a cold, this is a great one)

I suggest as you find a new mantra, to use the same one for a week or two to get used to it.  It will start to flow seamlessly as you original one did.  I have so many now, when I sit to meditate, the one I need often just comes to mind as I start.  I do like to have my favorites written down, in case I need some inspiraton.  I also love to find new ones in the scriptures or hymns!

I am going to suggest for the end of our challenge to use “Peace, Be Still” because it will help us with Phase 3 when we learn that in a few days.  But when the 40 day challenge is over, feel free to mix things up even more if you want with other mantras.


Sing “I am a Child of God” and imagine the steps of grounding and shielding as you sing!

Set your timer and

Using your finger movements – with a NEW MANTRA

Peace (breathing in for about 4 beats)

Pause (2,3,4)

Be (2 beats) Still (2 beats)

Pause (2,3,4)

Repeat until your timer dings!