Your Body A Gift That Can Tell Us SO Much! Let’s Listen.

God has given us this amazing gift of our body.  It can tell us so much, if we will listen to it!

Have you ever exercised a bit too much and suddenly you feel some pain?  Your body is telling you something.  Do you listen?

Maybe you have been working and working and not taken a break and suddenly your body just wants to sit and close its eyes.  Your body is trying to tell you something.   Do you listen?

Maybe you had a fight with your son and the next day you wake up and your right jaw is tight and clicking.  Your body is trying to tell you something.  Do you listen?

What happens if you don’t listen?  Usually your body starts yelling more loudly.

  • The pain increases.
  • You get a cold which makes you rest.
  • Your jaw hurts more and more.

A good chunk of my life I didn’t realize my body was talking to me.  It wasn’t until I started taking time every day to meditate and quiet my mind and spirit that I could really hear it.  Now I am very aware of my body and so grateful when it tells me something.  I listen right away and take care of the real issue.

In fact, my body just told me to get up and move because I had been at the computer for over an hour.  My mind was fine just pressing forward, but my shoulders started to ache.  I never would have listened a few years ago, but now I know it is better if I DO listen!

Sometimes my body is telling me that I need to slow down and take a little nap.  Sometimes it is that I didn’t really deal with the emotions the fight with my son brought up and my body is letting me know.  So, I take the time to nap or journal or talk with a friend to figure things out.


Ponder… Do you listen to your body?  Does it communicate with you and if so how?

Breathe in Peace & Calm — Breathe out and Smile.  3-5 times

Continue to focus on your breath and notice sections of your body as you breathe. 

Start at your head and move down to your feet.  

Did you notice anything?  Listen and do what you feel your body wants!

Click here to listen to a short visualization to walk you through listening to your body.

(You may need to click through to my blog to access this link.)


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