You know you have a control problem, when you get mad at the robot vacuum because he isn’t doing it right.

I got a Wyze robot vacuum for Christmas.

It was a long time coming.

We have dark wood floors in our house, and I sort of hate them, because while they are beautiful when they are clean, they are only clean for about 5 minutes.  Because it shows every speck of dirt and footprints, etc.

Hence the robot vacuum.

I finally got to try it out, I had to get Christmas stuff cleaned up first and then I felt like I had to go around and make sure no wires were hanging out on the floor and put up the drapes onto the windowsills… basically it was a lot of work getting ready to start this whole vacuuming experiment.

I was watching WyzeGuy (what I named the vacuum) moving around the house and was really getting irritated by how he was vacuuming.  It didn’t make any sense.  It didn’t seem logical.

I was sort of yelling at him and telling him there was a better way to do it.

Then I realized I was yelling at a robot; with artificial intelligence whose only purpose is to vacuum.

It hit me; I have a control problem.

I know this is true and I have worked hard to not let it show up with my husband and my kids, though I am pretty sure if you ask them, they will say I do let it show up, probably a lot!

But when I am yelling at a robot, I don’t feel like I have to censor myself, because I won’t hurt Wyzeguys feelings, because he can’t hear me! 

So, after this realization, I decided to go in a different room. 

But then I heard a weird noise and Wyzeguy was trapped under a chair.

I rescued him and sat down with a book.

Then I yelled at him because he was so meticulous and taking such a long time. 

It took him over 1.5 hours to vacuum most of our main floor.

I was a little worried, until I realized I can divide up rooms and have him just vacuum a specific section of the house.  I don’t yell at him so much then!

So, what is the tool for this week? 

Let little life experiences help you to observe habits or qualities you may want to work on changing! 

Me yelling at Wyzeguy helped me to see I really do have some controlling issues and while I may not yell at my husband or kids, I definitely am sometimes thinking thoughts in my head… so getting to the root of what is going on and healing that, is a good idea.