
Honor your parents

I am blessed with wonderful parents.  They taught me well and love me a lot.  I honor and respect them.  It is pretty easy for me to do this, because they are so great. I know not everyone has a good, healthy relationship with their parents or other family members.  Reach out to a parent

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Loving My Neighbors – Why I am grateful the missionaries cancelled an appointment with my friend.

A few years ago my friend Pam was taking the missionary discussions.  The Elders in her ward were just not seeming to work out.  They had a few missed appointments and finally had a discussion planned for a certain day and the night before we all confirmed. Then they cancelled on her that morning! I

Loving My Neighbors – Why I am grateful the missionaries cancelled an appointment with my friend. Read More »

Plant a Seed

Saying a prayer is like planting a seed.  We need to water it and weed around it.  Sometimes it can take awhile before it sprouts.  It sometimes takes patience to see an answer to a prayer.  We can keep the faith.  We can not make that seed grow, it will grow on its own if

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My Purple Pen

Sometimes I write my prayers.  I do this in my journal and when I do, I love to use my purple pen. I write all my thoughts and all my questions, just like I am praying.  Somehow when I am writing I get into this receptive state.  I think because writing is much slower than

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