I was led to this book in September. It jumped off the shelves at me at Hobby Lobby so I bought it. When I got home that night and looked at my next 40 days, I knew it would be a blessing.
I had 3 working/learning trips. Birthdays, Primary Program, helping a son with college applications and much more. I wanted to be able to do all those things from a place of peace.
I already had a daily prayer practice, but taking the time to decide what I wanted to “circle” in my prayers helped me to see all the little blessings over those 40 days. It increased my testimony of the power of prayer.
I was telling my Finding Joy in the Journey students about it and they wanted to do one too. I said we could do it together and when I looked at Thanksgiving to New Years Eve and realized that was 40 days, I knew that would be the perfect time. There is a lot on my plate for those 40 days. I will have to do it all. It will be so much better if God is helping me.
I want to open this challenge up for everyone. If you are wanting to do #LightTheWorld I am going to find a way to incorporate that. 🙂
Here are the 6 easy steps!
Step 1 (optional):
If you want to, buy the book. I am going to re-read the book while I do the challenge. I will share different stories than from the book and some different scriptures.
What I will be doing will be different from the book. It will be short and sweet. A scripture and short thought.
The book is great and will deepen your study if you want more. It has 2-3 pages per chapter/topic.
Step 2:
Write down what you
- need to do
- want to do
- how you want to do it!
between Thanksgiving and New Years Day.
Won’t it be great to pray specifically for help with all of your things?
Step 3:
Add this list to your Prayer Cheat Sheet.
(Create one if you don’t have one already)
Step 4:
If you want support through the 40 day Journey, let me know by signing up for a daily reminders, which will include a scripture and maybe an additional thought.
Choose your favorite option:
- Sign up for my Newsletter (e-mail)
- Join the Facebook Group
- Instagram @giftofgivinglife
Step 5:
Watch the War Room movie.
The next movie you watch should be this!!! It is ok to watch with your family. It will inspire you about the power of prayer. (It is not about “war”. It is about the battle we fight every day to protect and save our family. One of our most powerful tools is prayer and this movie demonstrates that.)
Step 6:
Thanksgiving Day – the 40 days begin!
- If you bought the book start reading. Read 1 short chapter a day. (2-3 pages)
- If you signed up for reminders, read scripture and positive thought every day. I promise it will be short and sweet.
- Pray every day and “circle” your list.
- Notice how God helps you! That was my favorite part, when I circled the prayer the next morning I would see so clearly how He helped me the day before.